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[A-DX] WRTH via Amazon.de - nein danke!

  • Subject: [A-DX] WRTH via Amazon.de - nein danke!
  • From: Günter Lorenz <glorenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:22:08 +0100

Same procedure as every year ... "Lieferung vielleicht im Januar 2013", so stand es sinngemäß im E-Mail von Amazon.
Ich habe direkt bei WRTH nachgefragt und erhielt folgende Antwort:

There is no longer a separate ISBN for Germany as Gert Wohlfahrt GmbH no
longer distribute the book for us in Germany. 

Amazon.de wrongly imports copies of WRTH from Amazon.com in the USA who do
not have the right to sell copies in Europe. One of our good friends at Gert
Wohlfahrt spent many years trying to stop this happening but Amazon.de would
not listen. We do not, unfortunately, have the names of any contacts at
Amazon.de. If you could find one we would be very interested to talk to

If they ordered from our company or even from Amazon.co.uk they could have
had copies two weeks ago. As it is, we send copies by sea to the USA, they
are transported to our distribution centre, Amazon.com collects copies from
there and then ships them back to Germany.

Diese amazonischen Winkelzüge muß man nicht mitmachen. Man kann auch direkt bei wrth.com kaufen.
Und für die Spende an Christoph für den reibungslosen Listenbetrieb gibt es auch andere Mittel und Wege.


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