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[A-DX] Some african logs...

Hi Glenn,
some recent observations:
ETHIOPIA: Radio Ethiopia External Service heard on 9562.8v instead of 9559v, low
audio, as well as on 7235v. Radio Ethiopia 9705 seems to be mostly inactive,
also no more Ethiopia on 7200 kHz.
NIGER: La Voix du Sahel on 9705v is usually on air from 1700, but suffers from
low modulation and a significant frequency drift: It starts quite close to
9705.0 and starts to drift upwards within an hour, usually to 9705.4 or a bit
higher. I remember this same pattern observed until late 2003.
NIGERIA: Voice of Nigeria added more Hausa (tent.): First heard on November 19th
after 2000 on 9689.9, closer observation on 21st: s/on at 1857, 2 minutes empty
carrier, then the usual call "Nigeriaaa ..." as observed at the beginning of
Hausa transmissions. 7255 carries french at the same time. Also Hausa in the
mornings is on 9689.9, while other Waf languages at 1630+ are on 9690.0. All
transmissions there currently have quite good modulation. I still assume that
9689.9 is from Abuja. Main reason for that assumption: 15120.0 in the mornings
till 0900, sounds like Ikorudo/VON Lagos always did, while AM tests from Abuja
were also on odd frequency and sounded significantly different. 

Thorsten Hallmann, Münster, Germany, www.africalist.de.ms

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