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Re: [A-DX] Rumänien

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Rumänien
  • From: Martin Prochazka <prochazka_martin@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 13:37:36 +0200

Wurde hier auf der Liste bereits mehrmals angesprochen, jetzt gibt's weitere Details. Leider wieder nichts zum Schicksal von RRI. Die DLF-Meldung, wonach die Hälfte der TV-Sender gestrichen werden soll, stimmt so voraussichtlich nicht. Betroffen sind "nur" TVR Info und TVR Cultural. damit blieben TVR1, TVR2, TVR3 und TVR International erhalten. Übrigens glaube ich nicht, dass TVR International gestrichen wird. Da der Kanal nur bereits auf den anderen 3 Kanälen gesendete Eigenproduktionen "wiederverwertet", dürfte der Sender extrem billig sein.

Romanian state-owned television to axe almost 1,000 in restructuring move

Quelle: http://www.romania-insider.com/romanian-state-owned-television-to-axe-almost-1000-in-restructuring-move/63906/?utm_source=Romania+Business+Insider+MAIN&utm_campaign=7049f2906d-30_august_20128_29_2012&utm_medium=email
Daily News, Social | Newsroom | August 29, 2012 1:58 pm

Romania’s state – owned TV company TVR will fire some 980 employees, part of its restructuring plan. After this measure, TVR will only have 2,300 employees. The company is in dire straits, with a current loss of EUR 145 million. It recently closed down one of its TV channels, TVR Info and, said it planned to close down TVR Cultural as well.

The employee union in TVR says the employees are not to blame for the situation the state television network has ended up in. Union president Dragoş Bocanaciu pointed to some of the members of the current board, who were also members of previous boards and who are among those guilty for this situation. “Why only these 980 people have to pay? Why not the seven board members? […] The board is still majority made up of people under whose supervision the TVR disaster occurred,” he said.

The union’s alternate plan is to have lower social costs, and hopes to be able to convince the management. Otherwise, it plans to protest. “If firing will not be made correctly, we will not let go, we will fight for every valuable journalist who needs to go,” said Bocanaciu.

TVR needs seven and a half years to pay off its EUR 145 million debt, according to its new general manager, Claudiu Saftoiu.


Dazu eine Meldung von vor 2 Wochen:

Romanian state owned TVR to close down two channels, layoff staff in attempt to save money Quelle: http://www.romania-insider.com/romanian-state-owned-tvr-to-close-down-two-channels-layoff-staff-in-attempt-to-save-money/63105/
Business & macroeconomy, Daily News | Newsroom | August 12, 2012 10:27 am

Romania’s state-owned television TVR, which is currently in financial trouble, with a current loss of some EUR 145 million, decided to shut down two of its channels, TVR Info and TVR Cultural, to save money.

The decision, announced by Claudiu Saftoiu, the general manager of TVR, follows a series of statements about TVR Info, the news channel and website of TVR. Former TVR director Radu Călin Cristea said TVR Info’s website was an ‘enclave’, with serious communication deficiencies. The statement came after the site published an exclusive article with documents on Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s alleged plagiarism. The editor in chief of the department running the site, Mona Dartu, later resigned on press freedom issues.

Both TVR Info and TVR Cultural will stop broadcasting, and their mission will be included in the programs from TVR 1 and TVR 2. From August 15, TVR Info will end collaboration with its journalists, said Saftoiu in an interview for Mediafax.

TVR 2 will be renamed TVR 2 Cultural, while the News division of TVR 1 will go under a ‘professional leadership’, rather than under the authority of the TVR president, guaranteeing professional independence. “It is a helping hand I am giving the journalists in TVR, with responsibility, generosity and good faith, especially to those who work on the news of the day,” said Saftoiu, a former journalist himself.

He added this will be a depoliticizing of the editorial content. A general producer will head the News Department and respond only to the TVR directorial committee.

TVR currently has 3,400 employees, some of which will be laid off, after negotiations with union representatives. Other harsh measures will be applied in the coming future, he said, to stop the ‘robbery’ that has been going on in TVR for years. Saftoiu is a former journalist, former head of Romania’s Foreign Information Service, and former presidential counselor for Traian Basescu.

Am 25.08.12 17:41, schrieb Horst Mehrlich:
Soeben wurde über DLF mitgeteilt daß Rumänien die hälfte der TV Stationen streichen will. Ob Radio Rumänien auch betroffen ist wurde nicht mittgeteilt.
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