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[A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Radio Hargeisa

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: [DXplorer] Radio Hargeisa
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:17:27 +0200

Durch das Arbeitsverbot an Ramadan wird sich die Installation des neuen
chinesischen Radio Hargeisa Senders noch nach den 18. August hinziehen.

Die Informationen kommen häppchen-weise herein,
aber so langsam rundet sich das Bild.
73 wb df5sx

SOMALIA   {self-declared autonomous state SOMALILAND}
New 100 kW transmitter for Radio Hargeisa.

Jari Savolainen [on dxld] spotted this update on the Somaliland Sun website
which says the new Chinese manufactured 100 kW transmitter will be on
shortwave (41 mb?) by the end of Ramadan (August 19?):

Re: New 100 kW transmitter for Radio Hargeisa.

Somaliland Sun article of yesterday (26 July) tells the 100 kW transmitter
will be on SW.

(Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld)

from Somaliland Sun website:

Somaliland: 100 kW Radio Transmitter under Installation.
Thursday, 05 July 2012 By: Yusuf_M_Hasan, (Somaliland_sun)

The much anticipated nationwide radio transmission will be availed within 40

This was revealed by the Director General at the ministry of information and
national guidance Mr. Abdirashid Jibril Yusuf during an interview with the
Somalilandsun at his offices where he also divulged the Chinese company that
sold the transmitter to the ministry has already dispatched 2 engineers who
have already commenced work.

DG Abdirashid Jibril also informed that another 13 Chinese engineers are on
the way thus finalized the construction of a tower and installation of the
100 kW transmitter that will finally avail Radio Hargeisa nationwide
coverage capabilities, Said he, "Within a period of 40 days radio Hargeisa
will be heard not only nationwide but in the entire Horn of Africa region as

The new transmitter that arrived a month ago has been placed under tight
security at the ministry of information compound in Hargeisa pending the
arrival of the Chinese engineers. The Chinese engineers were part of the
purchase deal that stipulated that the PDF Company from china will oversee
installation works to the satisfaction of the Somaliland government
represented by the ministry of information and national guidance.

According to the Technical director of the information ministry Mr. Ahmed
Suleiman who is closely working with the chines engineers since he collected
from Berbera international airport in the early morning of last Wednesday,
the entire work that includes tower construction and transmitter
commissioning will take a maximum forty days.

The technical director also informed that the Chinese engineers have
commended the condition of the transmitter that has been placed in a
specially constructed room since its arrival a month ago.

On the hand Radio Hargeisa employees highly applauded the ongoing final
phase of having transmissions nationwide. According to Sound engineer Hasan
Jama Abi the new enhanced transmission capabilities will enable
Somalilanders to stay informed, entertained and educated through the various
programs offered by Radio Hargeisa.

The nationwide transmission are highly anticipated by Somalilanders all over
the country since the current Radio Hargeisa transmitter has a capacity to
cover only a distance of 40sq Kilometers radius thus only Hargeisa residents
and those in its peri-urban areas receive programs from the national radio


Although no mention of shortwave above, "entire Horn of Africa region"
coverage suggests this could be a reactivation of shortwave from this
self-declared autonomous state in north west Somalia?
(translation via Alan Pennington, Caversham-UK, BrDXC-UK ng July 27)

----- Original Message ----- From: Don Jensen
 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012
 Subject: [DXplorer] Radio Hargeisa

 My posting earlier this week concerning the forthcoming installation of
a 100 kW. xmtr, tentatively scheduled to be on the air by about Aug. 10,
clearly will not meet that optimistic schedule.

 It is still uncertain if it will be a SW or MW unit. I hope to have
that answer soon.

 Sale of the new Radio Hargeisa transmitter   was negotiated by a Chinese
export firm, PDF Co. Ltd, of   Guangong, China, and it is responsible for
the installation. Some have supposed it would be, like other SW
installations in Africa, a  Chinese-made transmitter manufactured by
Beijing BBEF Electronics Group Co. Ltd. (prior to 2000, known as the
Beijing Broadcast Equipment Factory)

 This may well be so, although the BBEF website lists its overseas
projects in places like Ethiopia, Cuba, North Korea, etc., and says
nothing about supplying transmitter equipment for installation in
Somaliland. I have merely suggested it MIGHT instead,  be a Croatian-made
RIZ transmitter, since there is a track record of another Chinese
electronics broker in Hong Kong installing a RIZ SW transmitter for the
government of Myanmar. A Chinese installation team does not
automatically mean the transmitter installed in Somaliland is of Chinese

 Maybe so, but maybe no.   That remains to be seen.

 The Chinese technicians were to have arrived in Hargeisa in very early
July, to begin installation.Two techs have been doing preliminary work
in Hargeisa since late June.The remaining 13 in the installation team
were to have followed in very early July.  With that arrival, it was
expected – perhaps optimistically – to be test-ready in 40 days, roughly
Aug. 10, as I noted previously. In fact, the installation team did not
arrive in Hargeisa until yesterday, July 23, presumably putting  them at
least three weeks behind schedule.

Further details as they become available. For DXers, the most critical one would be, SW or MW?
 Don Jensen (DXplorer July 25)

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