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[A-DX] HH Lokalradio Radio Gloria and E.M.R. this Sunday

  • Subject: [A-DX] HH Lokalradio Radio Gloria and E.M.R. this Sunday
  • From: Klaus Fuehrlich <sme14158@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 07:57:07 +0200

> HH Lokalradio Radio Gloria and E.M.R. this Sunday
> Dear Listeners,
> HH Lokalradio, Radio Gloria and E.M.R. are on the air this Sunday the 27th
> of May 2012
> Station Name                 Time Slot                 Channels      Relay
> station
> HH Lokalradio            05.00  to  08.00           7265 kHz       via
> Radio Gloria               08.00  to 10.00            7265 kHz       via
> Radio Gloria               09.00  to 10.00            6140 kHz       via
> Media Broadcast
> Radio Gloria               09.00  to 10.00            6005 kHz       via
> Radio 700
> Radio Gloria               10.00  to 12.00            9480 kHz       via
> E.M.R.                          12.00  to  13.00           9480 kHz
> via MVBR
>  All Reception reports to HH Lokalradio: m.kittner@xxxxxxxxxx
> All Reception reports to Radio Gloria: radiogloria@xxxxxxx
>  All Reception reports to E.M.R: studio@xxxxxxxxxx
> EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday
> Programme repeats are at the following times: 10:00, 12:00, 16:00, 19:00
> Please visit  <http://www.emr.org.uk/> www.emr.org.uk and click on the
> internet radio" button
> which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
> Good listening!    73s Tom

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