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Re: [A-DX] Log: Zeitzeichen BPC/Shanqiu, 68,5 kHz ...

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] Log: Zeitzeichen BPC/Shanqiu, 68,5 kHz ...
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 16:47:22 +0200

Das habe ich mal im dez 2012 heraus gekruschtelt:

BPC Shangqiu ist erst seit 2007 on air, vorher hat man einige Jahre seit
1993 von einem anderen Standort 34 56 54.66 N  109 32 34.59 E "angefangen",
auch mit den Armbanduhren hinkt man 77.5 oder den Japanern 60 kHz Jahrzehnte hinterher.

LW transmitting tower 68.5 kHz BPC Shangqiu Time Signal station, Henan
Province, 100 kW. 268 m Transmitting Tower. 1998-2007 Time-shared with BPL
Pucheng station 100 kHz.

In 2007, BPC Shangqiu low-frequency time code continuous broadcast station
was set up and made trial broadcasting. But is NOT right visible in Google
Earth yet. Single mast should be visible at

CHN  VLF LW 68.5 kHz BPC Shangqiu Time Signal station, Henan Province, 100
kW. 268 m mast.
34 27 33.57 N  115 50 09.75 E

see colour picture
visible on website
LW 68.5 kHz. When low-frequency time-code technology grant.

When low-frequency time-code technology is granted Union (ITU) has
recommended a technology. It is in the low-frequency bands, can be both
analog and digital modes provide standard time and frequency signals. As
the full use of microelectronics technology, the user equipment can be
very simple and inexpensive, it has been widely in many fields of
application. Such as low precision military, electric power grid
synchronization, communication network synchronization, financial and
securities system, electronic government (business) services, watches and
many other areas of large-scale industrial applications possible.

In the tradition of the watch industry, time-code technology is the time
to bring the industry as "revolutionary" impact, "it appears to open up a
new era of time measurement, which will have a significant economic
development in the world effects "(from Chinese leaders watch the report
to the Association). In national defense, national security areas have
many possible applications. Such as the army of a comprehensive
information system, command system, the technology is applied. In the
international arena, following the successful development and wide
application in Germany the technology, the United States and Japan also
renewed emphasis on low-frequency time-code technology.

The U.S. government developed a three-stage upgrade program, update the
original WWVB radio equipment, radiated power from 13 kW to 25 kW, and
increased to 50 kW.

Japan destroyed the original JG2AS radio, re-purchase of U.S. equipment
and northeast of Tokyo and Kyushu regions in two new power units, which
sets the direction of Kyushu Figure clearly aimed at China. International
Telecommunication Union, the latest proposal also shows that low-frequency
time-code-related technology research and development in the 3 to 5 years
will be the country of research.

Low-frequency time-code timing system.
National Time Service Center since 1993, began tracking the technology.
After years of efforts, and business cooperation of the "low-frequency
timing extension and application of industry" project has made decisive
progress in the Time Service Center, built to a practical test bed has
been successfully sent broadcast, send broadcast call sign "BPC", by the
State without Committee approved the use of a frequency of 68.5 kHz.

Systematic research made an important breakthrough. We study the encoding
and decoding methods, the efficiency is similar foreign signal three
times. Phase Control technology to solve problems important innovation in
spectrum use. Successful development of collaborative business long-wave
high-power solid-state transmitter, the main joint ventures leading
products included in the 2002 Spark Program of Science and Technology, a
number of products through the appraisal, and patent number, form a group
of independent intellectual property rights.

In 2003, a successful business cooperation with China's first launch of a
Chinese standard radio clocks, watches in the domestic industry caused a
huge reaction, and a lot of media coverage for the domestic, and to
"Atomic Time Table" is no longer a family into the homes of ordinary
people a dream. Currently, the industry good progress, began to market the
product. Test-bed system has become an important national time extend and
complement, began to play its effectiveness.

Currently, BPC signal is continuously sent broadcast.
start time: send broadcast 21 hours a day, 0500-0800{??} downtime;
send broadcast frequency: 68.5 kHz; transmission power: 90 kW.
Shangqiu sets the main technical parameters are as follows:
Location Address: Shangqiu (antenna coordinates:
Latitude 34.457 degrees east longitude 115.837 degrees.
{means 34 27 33.57 N  115 50 09.75 E  unfortunately dimmly resolution}
Frequency: SRRC approved 68.5 kHz, emission bandwidth of + 1 kHz;
Transmitter: solid-state. Transmitting antenna: umbrella single tower
268m height. Transmit power of 100 kW. Coverage radius: Sky Wave 3,000 km
to 1000 km wave (to be defined). Modulation: modulation by the encoding
unit to provide a pulse modulated wave negative keying. Send broadcast
time: 21 hours a day. Timing accuracy: ground wave: 0.1ms; sky wave: 1ms.


Shangqiu City, Henan Province.

also on NTSC website described

BPL Pucheng control center and transmitter 4 mast location, 100 kHz.
34 56 54.66 N  109 32 34.59 E
34 57 02.19 N  109 32 42.46 E
34 56 47.52 N  109 32 26.71 E
34 56 48.37 N  109 32 43.37 E

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sven Dibbert" <swl@xxxxxxx>
To: <liste@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [A-DX] Log: Zeitzeichen BPC/Shanqiu, 68,5 kHz ...

Am 05.04.2012 14:21, schrieb Nils Schiffhauer:
... ja, die Internet-Adressen hatte ich vorher natürlich gecheckt, wobei
mich immer wundere, wie gut der Google-Übersetzer Chinesisch-Seiten
übersetzt (was ich, genau genommen, nicht überprüfen kann, außer eben
von Logik&  Sinnhaftigkeit - und da ists überraschend gut / auch Farsi und
Klawitter wird 1992 BPC noch nicht gekannt haben.
Der Kineser wird so eine ähnliche Codierung der Zeitzeichenlänge wie JJY
haben // im Prinzip, jedenfalls. Zudem scheint dem Signal, wie an der
Hüllkurve ersichtlich, noch Weiteres aufgeprägt zu sein. Vielleicht
ich denen mal, ein paar Noten Renmin Ribao liegen noch in Schapp. Als
Rückporto. Statt IRC. Aber auf die Post werde ich das erst nach Ostern
73 Nils

Ich zitiere mal:"UT1-Zeitsignale werden stündlich von Minute 25 bis 29
und 55 bis 59 gesendet. Die Signale sind mit 1 kHz moduliert. Die
Sekundensignale sind 10 ms lang, die Minutensignale sind 300 ms lang."

Sowie:"UTC-Zeitsignale werden stündlich von Minute 0 bis 10, 15 bis 25,
30 bis 40 und 45 bis 55 gesendet."

JJY strahlt ein komplizierter codiertes Zeitsignal aus, außerdem in den
Minuten 15 und 45 eine Stationsansage zwischen den Sekunden 40 und 50.

RX: AR7030, Harzburg-SDR, FRG-7, Kenwood TS-520
Ant: 15m Draht, HDLA12
QTH: Midsund, Norge
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