[A-DX] VOA Radiogram slow modes to Australia

So Jan 31 18:26:27 CET 2016

Am 31.01.2016 um 14:38 schrieb Roger  [dxld]:
> When there is an invalid DSB-demodulation with 110 Hz frequency shift, 
> there are fewer false overlap.
> MFSK-32 is broader - there is a much greater destructive overlap 
> during false demodulation - this is the explanation.

Here's an earlier test from me:
Radio reception in DSB-demodulation with 500 Hz frequency offset. This 
generates a offset of 1 kHz.between LSB + USB-data in the audio spectrum .
This means:   no destructive overlap with MFSK-32
You can save together in one mono audio file hereby USB + LSB Data.    
This only works with sufficient narrow modes.

