[A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
RogerMo Apr 30 23:01:43 CEST 2018
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
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Am 30.04.2018 um 22:28 schrieb Roger: > http://koreabizwire.com/most-accurate-standard-time-station-in-south-korea-to-open-next-year/118144 > Hier ein Beitrag aus dem Jahre 2015, der dieses Thema behandelt: (Ich hatte die KRISS-Seite nach 장파 (jangpa) = Langwelle durchsucht) http://www.kriss.re.kr/standard/krisstory_view.do?seq=1475&category=1&page=1 ".....That is, the standard frequency station is a broadcasting station that distributes the standard frequency and the standard time independently to the whole country. The Shibo tower is a facility that acts as an antenna of the standard frequency station. It transmits a constant frequency of 5 MHz, output 2 kW, sends the standard time UTC correction signal, Also. It also features nighttime user weather information, forecasts of radio waves and disaster alarms." "....*KRISS making more accurate time* * * KRISS has started its base research project from 2015 with the aim of constructing a 'long-wave time station' using longwaves. Shortwave is strong in straightness and obstructed by obstacles such as mountains and buildings, it can not transmit radio waves. However, long waves can penetrate buildings and can receive time propagation in indoor space. Do. As the exact time becomes the foundation of many advanced technologies and the importance of time standards grows, KRISS strives to establish and disseminate more accurate time standards. And at the height of KRISS, Shibo Tower is delivering the most precise time in our country at this time, where we need to live in our society...." Im csv-UB: List source: userlistRWW.txt, file date 2018/04/30 00:00 kHz: 5000 UTC/PSN: 0000-2400 Days/PI: 1234567 (Mo-Su) Language: Station: Daejeon HLA (Time) Country: KOR (Korea Republic) Transmitter: PM36qj Latitude: 36.3958 Longitude: 127.3750 Modulation: b (Beacon) Power (kW): Target: Distance: 8420 Bearing: 49 Notes: (heard: 2011/08/01) Details: 60 m Beacon from Korea Republic QTH locator: PM36qj54ax roger
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
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