[A-DX] SWRG#99 & TIAMS#12 komplette HTML

So Mai 12 19:31:07 CEST 2019


u.a. mit:
This week's images...

The Summer 2019 of the Global Radio Guide, a Kindle book by Gayle
and Larry Van Horn, is now available. It's "the only radio
publication that lists by-hour schedules that include all
language services, frequencies, and world target areas for over
500 stations." Details at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R81NJHD/
Sending Pic:158x210C;

Und etwas "This is a Music Show" - Auswertung:

Meine persönlichen "TOP3" waren dabei:

Sharp Five - Honmoku Meruhen
Fiorella Lini - Addormentarmi Cosi
Unknown Moog record - Telstar (Lifeline CSPS 1041)
