[A-DX] Radio Venceremos & Das Trojanische Pferd

So Dez 27 13:43:20 CET 2020

Am 27.12.2020 um 12:28 schrieb Michael Schnitzer:
> Meine SLV-QSL stammt von Radio Venceremos (6300 kHz), eine "Estación
> Clandestina". Während des Bürgerkrieges in El Salvador in den 1980er
> Jahren war Radio Venceremos die offizielle Stimme der FMLN (Frente
> Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional). Der Standort des Senders
> soll innerhalb des Landes gewesen sein und zwar in der Provinz Morasán


"La trampa":

El 23 de octubre de 1984, un grupo de soldados salvadoreños, liderados
por el Teniente Coronel Domingo Monterrosa Barrios, logró capturar el
transmisor de Radio Venceremos en Joateca (Morazán). Se convocó a
periodistas a una conferencia de prensa en San Miguel, adonde exhibiría
el equipo electrónico como trofeo de guerra y como símbolo de la derrota
del FMLN. Domingo Monterrosa y seis de sus subordinados montaron el
transmisor en un helicóptero del ejército, ignorando que los
guerrilleros habían instalado cargas explosivas y detonadores en el
falso transmisor. Poco después de despegar, el artefacto explotó en el
aire, matando instantáneamente a los militares junto con la tripulación.

Am 23. Oktober 1984 gelang es einer Gruppe salvadorianischer Soldaten,
angeführt von Oberstleutnant Domingo Monterrosa Barrios, den Sender von
"Radio Venceremos" in Joateca (Morazán) aufzuspüren. Journalisten wurden
zu einer Pressekonferenz nach San Miguel eingeladen, wo sie die
elektronische Ausrüstung als Kriegstrophäe und als Symbol für die
Niederlage der FMLN ausstellen wollten. Domingo Monterrosa und sechs
seiner Untergebenen bestiegen mit dem Sender einen Armeehubschrauber,
ohne zu wissen, dass die Guerillas Sprengladungen und Zünder in den
falschen Sender eingebaut hatten. Kurz nach dem Start explodierte das
Gerät in der Luft und tötete sofort das Militär zusammen mit der Besatzung.

Hier die Geschichte im Detail:

The radio station itself had become a major factor in the conflict.
Monterrosa hated Radio Venceremos, both because it denounced his war
crimes and because it had operated for years within territory that his
soldiers claimed to control. The station's nightly broadcasts were a
continuing demonstration of the survival and strength of the FMLN. The
broadcasts really came, as they claimed, from "somewhere in
Morazan"--although the government and the armed forces insisted that the
station was located in Nicaragua. Pride might be Monterrosa's main
weakness, thought Joaquín Villalobos and the other rebel commandantes.
They knew he longed to destroy their radio, and they decided to let him
have it. As a gift. And like the famous wooden horse of the ancient
Greeks, there would be something unexpected inside.

Radio Venceremos had a spare transmitter, one they had used in the past.
It was big enough to conceal eight sticks of dynamite. Technicians
installed two detonators, one radio controlled and the other activated
by air pressure--if the altitude was more than 300 meters it would go
off without any other signal. The plan was for a small FMLN unit to
carry the transmitter near where army troops were patrolling. They would
then be "discovered" by the government soldiers, exchange fire,
apparently suffer some casualties, and be "forced" to abandon the
transmitter in order to carry away their wounded comrades. The troops
would surely carry their prize back to camp for the Colonel's inspection
and pleasure.

It didn't happen quite as planned--but close enough. The patrol had not
ventured as far from base as it had reported, and the guerrillas had to
get uncomfortably close to coax the government soldiers into a fight.
Still, they managed to "lose" their transmitter in a sufficiently
convincing fashion. Blood from a rooster helped persuade the enemy that
they had wounded some of the FMLN fighters and forced them to retreat
without their precious radio equipment.

The day after the "capture" of their transmitter was one of stressful
waiting for the FMLN forces and especially for the people of Radio
Venceremos. It was painful to have to skip their nightly broadcast, and
comrades from around El Salvador and abroad wondered if the station had
really been silenced at last as the government-controlled radio and
press triumphantly claimed. Even the Voice of America echoed reports of
the "victory." When anxious messages reached the rebel broadcasters,
they could only reply that "We'll explain later." In the meantime Army
radio transmissions monitored by the guerrillas showed that the
government forces had no doubt about their accomplishment. Although the
troops had not captured the broadcasters themselves, they admitted,
still they were certain that Radio Venceremos was no more.

Monterrosa convened the national and foreign press to come to San Miguel
to inspect his prize. He himself and the captured transmitter were still
in the northeastern town of Joateca, not far from the site of the
capture and not far from El Mozote. The colonel loaded his trophy into
his personal helicopter and took off for the press conference. As the
aircraft passed over nearby guerrilla positions soon after takeoff, it
exploded into a ball of flame. Parts of the machine, and presumably some
molecules of Monterrosa's body, fell to the ground near El Mozote
itself--to mingle with so many remains already there.4 His successor in
command of the Atlacatl died with him, along with five other battalion
commanders. Monterrosa had called them all to Joateca to help him
celebrate, and the only one missing was the chief of the U.S. military

Also: Sprengung des Resevesenders (mit Sprengfalle)  durch Zündung über
Funkfernsteuerung  ODER  Barometerdose (Druckunterschreitung nach
Erst einmal Funkstille des Hauptsenders, um nicht den Plan mit dem
"trojanischen Pferd"  zu gefährden....

Hier noch ein Interview mit einem Zeitzeugen von damals:
