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[A-DX] DX-Camp Vorupør - DK --- Teil 2

  • Subject: [A-DX] DX-Camp Vorupør - DK --- Teil 2
  • From: "Michael Schnitzer" <mi-schnitzer@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 12:22:34 +0100

Fortsetzung von Teil 1:


1521     CRI Urumqi, March 16th, 1748, Russian, news, ID; O=4


5910.1  Marfil Estéreo, March 13th, 0040, love songs, ID; O=4 - excellent 
signal with S=9+10

6010.2 La Voz de tu Conciencia, March 18th, 0145, religious program; O=3

6035    La Voz del Guaviare, March 18th, 0135, jingle, soccer match, ID; O=2


810     R Progreso, March 15th, 0801, political report, ID; O=2

820     R Rebelde, March 15th, 0558, reports, ID; O=2

1180    R Rebelde, March 15th, 0825 (!), romantic songs, // 5025; O=2


1640    R Juventus del Bosco, March 15th, 0020, religious program; O=1-2

6025    R Amanecer, March 15th, 0045, Christian songs, mixing with R 
Illimani; O=2


4815    R Buen Pastor (presumed), March 14th, 2335, Spanish & native language 
(Quechua presumed), talk, audible under the Brasilian; O=1-2

4869.2  Voz del Upano, March 14th, 2315, advertisement, news bulletin called 
"panorama informativo", ID; O=2

4919    R Quito, March 18th, 0815, latino pop, ID; O=2


5005    R Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, March 16th, 2035, Spanish, Afro pop, 
ID; O=4-5 - excellent signal with S=9+10; station also observed next day in 
French at 1930


1400    Harbour Light of the Windwards, March 13th, 2258, preacher, songs; O=3


650     Grønlands Radio, March 18th, 0215, Danish, international news; O=3

3815 USB  Grønlands Radio, March 15th, 2150, Greenlandic / Danish, the Danish 
program started at 2200, interval signal, local news, Nuuk mentioned; O=3


4052.5  R Verdad, March 13th, 0050, Christian songs, ID; O=3


1390     HRVC La Voz Evangélica, March 15th, 0559, religious program, ID; O=2

3249.7  R Luz y Vida, March 13th, 0027, religious program, ID; O=2


189      Ríkisútvarpid, March 13th, 2040, Icelandic, talk, advertisement, 
good signal with S=9; O=4

1530    AFN Keflavik, March 18th, 0830 (!), country music, ID; O=4 - 
excellent signal of this 250 watts station; fade out at around 0845


4605    RRI Serui, March 14th, 2035, soft pop music; O=3

4790    RRI Fak-Fak, March 14th, 2045, pop music; O=2-3

4874.6 RRI Sorong, March 17th, 2150, talks, ID; O=2


3925    NSB R Nikkei, March 14th, 2050, classical music; O=3

KOREA (South)

1566    HLAZ Cheju, March 16th, 1749, Russian, religious program (presumed); 


4960    Catholic Radio Network (presumed), March 17th, 1910, endless 
instrumental music; O=1-2


3329.5  Ondas del Huallaga, March 13th, 0020, mensajes, Andean music, Huanuco 
mentioned; O=2

4386.6  R Imperio, March 13th, 0010, huanyo music, jingle, ID; O=2

4485.9  R Frecuencia VH (presumed), March 12th, 2355, huayno music, mensajes; 

4746.9  R Huanta 2000, March 12th, 2340, advertisement, information about a 
health campaign, ID: "Radio Huanta 2000, la frecuencia para servicio mejor"; 

4775     R Tarma, March 12th, 2230, commercial spot of a pharmacy in Tarma, 
ID; O=3-4

4826.6  R Sicuani, March 12th, 2325, huayno music, mensajes, ID; O=2

4835.5  R Marañón (presumed), March 12th, 2315, non stop LA-music; O=1-2

4855.3  R La Hora, March 14th, 2325, political information, advertisement; O=2-3

4950    R Madre de Dios, March 12th, 2305, rosary, ID; O=3-4

4955     R Cultural Amauta, March 12th, 2235, huayno music, ID; O=3

4995.6  R Andina, March 13th, 0025,  Andean music, mensajes, ID: 
"Radio Andina, la más potente"; O=3

5019.9  R Horizonte, March 13th, 0035, latino pop, ID; O=2

5070.7  R Ondas del Suroriente (presumed), March 12th, 2245, pasillos, 
mensajes, O=3; station faded in at around 2240 and was blocked by WWCR at 
2300; on that reason no clear ID possible

5939.3  R Melodía, March 14th, 2345, jingle, political information, ID; O=2

6173.8  R Tawantinsuyo, March 15th, 0005, political speech, ID; O=2

6193.4  R Cusco, March 18th, 0040, huayno music, ID: 
"Radio Cusco, la voz de la capital histórica"; O=2

6520.3  R Paucartambo, March 18th, 0015, mensajes, information on coming 
local events of the next week, huayno music; O=2

9504.5  R Tacna, March 18th, 0025, sports information; O=1-2


1280    WCMN Arecibo (presumed), PR, March 16th, 2357, Spanish, speech on 
financial situation of Puerto Rico, news, reports, O=2


4990    R Apintie, March 16th, 0145, Dutch, pop music, ID; O=2


820      TBN Charlestown, March 16th, 0027, religious program, TBN-ID; O=3


1557    Family Radio Taiwan, March 16th, 1643, English, religious program, 
ID; O=4


1476    R Thailand (presumed), March 12th, 2324, OM in Thai, mixing with 
Chinese station; O=2

1575    VoA, March 16th, 1657, Asian language, ID; O=3


1476   Turkmen Radio, March 17th, 0000, anthem, IDs; O=3


790     WAXY South Miami (presumed), FL, March 16th, 0134, sports talk; O=2

1030   WBZ Boston, MA, March 16th, 2321, WBZ news time, traffic news; O=3

1130   WBBR New York, NY, March 16th, 2332, business news, 
"Bloomberg weather"; O=3

1260    WMKI Boston, MA, March 14th, 0617, Radio Disney promos; O=3

1360    WKAT North Miami (presumed), FL, March 14th, psycho talk, 
advertisement, local news; O=3

1360    WDRC Hartford, CT, March 14th, 0600, ID heard in the back while 
listening to WKAT; O=2

1370    WDEA Ellsworth, ME, March 18th, 0745, nostalgic music, ID; O=3

1430    WENE Endicott, NY, March 18th, 0705, local weather, ID; O=2

1460    WDDY Albany, NY, March 18th, 0708, Radio Disney, // 1560; O=2

1470    WLAM Lewiston, ME, March 14th, 0640, ID: 
"WLAM, your music memory station"; O=3

1510    WWZN Boston, MA, March 18th, 0050, advertisement, sports talk, ID; O=4

1520    WWKB Buffalo, NY, March 18th, 0056, oldies, ID: "KB-Radio, Buffalo"; 

1540    WDCD Albany, NY, March 18th, 0715, religious program, ID; O=3 - under 

1560    WQEW New York, NY, March 18th, 0721, R Disney promos, ID: 
"AM 1560 New York"; O=4


1290     R Puerto Cabello, March 13th, 2245, latino pop, ID; O=2

1420     R Marabiña, March 15th, 0548, Latino music, ID: "Marabiña 1420"; O=3

1470     R Vibración YVSY, March 14th, 0544, Spanish, report on Cuba, ID; O=4

13680   R Nacional de Venezuela (via Cuba), March 16th, 2050, merengue music, 
ID; O=4

Michael Schnitzer

Homepage: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/

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