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[A-DX] PMA e-mail

  • Subject: [A-DX] PMA e-mail
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 12:16:03 +0200

Hier noch die Adressen von
PMA Micronesia - Pacific Mission Aviation - The Cross Radio

73 wb

4755.25 PMA Feedback.
I called Melinda Espinosa on Guam this evening (mid-afternoon Guam time) -
she has DSL and can download larger MP3 files but must then create a CD for
forwarding to Pohnpei, since as previously indicated the transmitter site
only has dial-up e-mail access. Melinda indicated that The Cross station is
currently testing - that would explain the all-music format during some of
their broadcasting hours, anyway. The direct e-mail addresses for the
station are

<radio @ pmapacific.org>  and  <pohnpei @ pmapacific.org>

The Melinda announcer at the station is obviously a different Melinda than
the administrative person in the Guam HQ office.
(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Oct 8)

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