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Re: [A-DX] WICHTIG: Keine Piratensender mehr in A-DX

  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] WICHTIG: Keine Piratensender mehr in A-DX
  • From: Herman Boel <herman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:07:12 +0200

Hallo Christophe,

Um die Diskussion mit den Piratensendern zu beenden:
Ab sofort bitte ich euch keine Meldungen mehr über Piratenstationen in der A-DX Liste zu verbreiten. Die Aussendungen sind illegal, werden strafrechtlich verfolgt und ich möchte diesen Leuten hier keine Plattform mehr bieten.
I'm sorry for replying in English here.

Pirate DX is a valid and very old part of the DX hobby. If the illegality of the broadcasts is a reason not to have any discussions about them anymore, then you should also forbid the discussions about:
* clandestine stations
* offshore stations (past or present)
* stations such as WYFR, Voice of Korea, Kol Israel, WYFR, Radio Taiwan, WINB, WMLK, Vatican Radio, Radio Netherlands, VOIRI, Radio Sweden and many, many more - these stations broadcast outside of the official SW bands and their broadcasts are therefore de facto illegal

So in order to avoid a double standard, rightfully remove all people who are completely out of order with their language but don't punish the honest pirate DXer who does not do anything more illegal than the average shortwave listener.


- Herman -

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