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  • Subject: Re: [A-DX] GRDXC
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 21:23:37 +0100

Dazu vor einer Stunde in HCDX, da lag ich ja nicht falsch mit der Mehrfachversendung dieser "Einladungen". Vielleicht ein neues Geschäftsmodell für A-DX.

Has anyone had any experience with Globe Radio DX Club?

I received an e-invitation from this group a couple weeks ago to join, then after being directed to the reqistration site, find that they try to get money from you to register.

After some e-mail discussion with someone I presume was a moderator, he have me instructions to register for the free portion. I then had to fill out a form to "prove I was a genuine DXer" (would've thought they had determined that before inviting me to join), but finally got it all taken care of and started receiving the e-mails.

Within less than 24 hours of joining, I start receiving notices from the moderator about not sending in any submissions, those who don't will be banned from the group, etc., etc. I contacted moderator again, who sent a quick apology.

Now, a few days later, I send a submission and get it bounced back saying I had been "banned from the group".

Is this any way to run a DX group? Anyone else have a negative experience?

J.D. Stephens

73 Christoph


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