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[A-DX] R. Apintie, Surinam

  • Subject: [A-DX] R. Apintie, Surinam
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 18:21:53 +0200

Radio Apintie dürfte nach längerer Zeit wieder aktiv sein, aber nur für Leute mit grossen Ohren, (Thomas, Nils?) von Bruce Churchill via DXplorer:

SURINAM 4990 R. Apintie (tent.) hrd 10/4 for first time in many months w/ typical non-stop pop mx (or so it appeared) from 0623 tune, in and out of audibility – this is typically when Apintie is hrd here when on the air. Threshold signal w/ no QRM from the Brazilian on 4985. Signal spike on the Perseus was better looking than the audio sounded (well above the noise lvl) and was centered on 4.990. SINPO 15331.

73 Christoph


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