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[A-DX] Neuer Brasilianer auf 4885 kHz

  • Subject: [A-DX] Neuer Brasilianer auf 4885 kHz
  • From: Christoph Ratzer <dx@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 22:35:44 +0200

kam soeben via Horacio Nigro, DXplorer:

New Brazilian in 60 m reported in Brazilian DXers "Radioescutas" YG

BRAZIL. 4885 Radio Maria, Brasília. 1250-1310 on Jun 28. Rlg catholic pgmntação, mx, audience participation paryer to "Our Lady" (Nossa Senhora) . SINPO: 32332.

Per conversation from the DXer with an employee at stn they ar at an experimental phase.

Reasearching the website of the Ministerio das Comunicações, the 4885 fq belong to three stns: Radio Clube do Pará, Radio Difusora Acreana and Fundação Nossa Senhora Aparecida.

The two first ones are active and the third one apparently is Radio Maria de Taguatinga/Distrito Federal. Despite the fq permit is for Emissora da Fundação Nossa Senhora Aparecida (ZYF 692), which is located in the city of Anápolis 140 km far from Taguatinga, it may have their studios in the Distrito Federal.

Acc. to the website of Anatel(http://sistemas. anatel.gov. br/siscom/ consulta/ default.asp), power is 1 KW.

(George <cunha.george@xxxxxxxxxxxx, lista Radioescutas, translated by Horacio Nigro, Uruguay)

73 Christoph


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