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[A-DX] Zeitzeichensender ticken nicht richtig

  • Subject: [A-DX] Zeitzeichensender ticken nicht richtig
  • From: "Nils Schiffhauer" <dk8ok@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 07:59:50 -0000

Moin, moin - zum immer wieder gerne herausgeholten Sommerthema "Zeitzeichen"
(und die Kirchturmuhr in Tangermünde geht eben anders falsch als die in
Fallersleben!) noch eine Mail von Peter Martinez, G3PLX, der sich auch
dieses Themas angenommen hat und sich zudem zu dem "Italiäner" auf 10 MHz

>>From G3PLX:

I have been listening on 5, 10, 15MHz and other frequencies where the time
is transmitted, using the PPS of my GPS as a time reference via the antenna,
and measuring the arrival times.

Many of these can be identified by the schedule and CW-idents or voice
announcements, and the arrival times match what I would expect. For example
WWV comes in at 26msec and WWVH at 40msec.

One or two are a long way off. For example BPM, the chinese one, arrives
here 375msec early (it should be about 30msec late) and is drifting very
slowly late (a few msec in the last month). There's an italian one on 10MHz
identified by the voice announcement as "Associazione Italcable" which is
approximately 300msec late but wanders and jumps over a 200msec range. I
think this one is believed to be a pirate. The carrier is also several Hz
low of 10MHz and drifts, so it's clearly not a precision signal.

There's one I cannot identify. It transmits for the first 10 minutes in each
15, with 10msec pulses each second and 300msec each minute, on 5 and 10MHz.
I have not heard it on 15MHz.  The signal arrives at 11mS after the PPS and
is strongest in late afternoon/evening which would put it well east of me
but that time delay would put it in Russia which makes no sense. There is no
sign of a voice announcement or a CW ident.  I have searched the internet
for clues without success.

I am wondering if any of the Chirp enthusiasts here would be interested in
helping me locate this one. Coupling the PPS from the GPS into the antenna
should then let you record the click from that along with the pips from the
signal itself (It transmits a carrier with the timing pips as A.M. at 1
kHz).  Send me a WAV file of a few minutes-worth and I can do the
measurement, or you may be able to do the analysis yourself and send me the
result. We might have to do a three-receiver measurement if it looked like
the transmission was not exactly on time.

Anyone interested?  Let me know, especially if you are outside Europe!


73, Nils DK8OK
ExcaliburPRO, SDR-IP/GPS, W-Code, 2 x 20 m active quad loop (90°)

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