[A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
RogerDi Mai 1 00:44:36 CEST 2018
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Nordkorea stellt Zeit am 5. Mai 2018 erneut um
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Am 01.05.2018 um 00:07 schrieb Roger: > Auch in dem originalen Beitrag in Koreanisch hatte man keine Angaben > zu einer Frequenz gemacht. Hier wird alles noch einen Tick konkreter, es ist dann wohl die "65 kHz". http://time.ewha.or.kr/ Gleich die erste Meldung: 드디어 우리나라에도 장파 표준주파수국이 생깁니다. 한국표준과학연구원은 장파 65 kHz의 표준주파수국 시험운영을 폐국한 KBS 여주 송신소 부지(경기도 여주군 능서면 용은리 산35 / 37˚ 16´ 59.57˝ N, 127˚ 33´ 06.87˝ E)에 2019년 2월 개국을 목표로 건설중에 있습니니다. 관련 정보는 이곳에서 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다. 원본은 이곳에 있습니다. https://www.google.co.kr/maps/place/37%C2%B016'59.6%22N+127%C2%B033'06.9%22E/@37.2864873,126.9943498,9z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d37.2832139!4d127.5519083?hl=ko http://time.ewha.or.kr/download/LF_Station_kr.pdf http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2017/05/19/0200000000AKR20170519081200063.HTML "....On March 31, last year, a satellite navigation system (GPS) radio wave attack, which is estimated to have been conducted by North Korea, occurred. As a result, domestic aircraft and 110 vessels were affected, including the malfunction of GPS plotters (navigational devices such as navigation systems) operating in the Yellow Sea. When GPS radio disturbance occurs, obstacles occur in the mobile phone base station, the airplane being operated, the ship, etc., to receive GPS signals normally. In particular, since the present time synchronization network receives GPS signals and operates, if GPS satellites fail or GPS jamming (radio disturbance) attacks occur, there is a possibility that various communication devices may fail. For this reason, there is a need to establish a self-sustained time synchronization network that is not affected even if GPS is disabled. The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science said on February 19 that it plans to establish a broadcasting station for long-range standard time with the aim of trial broadcasting in February 2019. Standardization is currently testing long-wave standard time trial broadcasting with the goal of transmitting a 200 km radius from the KBS Yeoju AM Transmitter site, which is now closed, using the vacant frequency of 65 kHz band. The construction is scheduled for September. Additional information can be added to Korea Standard Time to be used in various applications such as smart home appliance, smart grid, and intelligent transportation system (ITS), and it is expected to be applied to disaster situations such as weather, earthquake, and radiation. In Japan, long-wave broadcasting is also used to automatically adjust the traffic signal system or insert a chip into a taxi meter to prevent the late night rate premium. "The long-wave broadcasting will become a radio infrastructure for the people's public interest." In Korea, too, it is essential to provide long-term standard time to reach the rank of "time advanced country." http://time.ewha.or.kr/skst.html http://time.ewha.or.kr/world_time/index-a.html Detaillierte Infos zu den beiden japanischen Stationen: http://time.ewha.or.kr/download/JST2-e.pdf roger
- Vorherige Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Korea / Zeit-Sender / LW
- Nächste Nachricht (dieses Gesprächs): [A-DX] Nordkorea stellt Zeit am 5. Mai 2018 erneut um
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