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Re: [A-DX] indische Radios

Am 11.07.2007 um 19:55 schrieb Juergen Fenn:

Listening to old melodies of KL Sehgal or latest tunes from Himmesh
Reshammiya would now be possible in far west United States or on the
interior of Indo-China border. In a quality better than FM radio. It
will all happen with All India Radio (AIR) planning to go digital. "We
have started a pilot project to provide digital signals to radio
audience in the country. The quality would be as clear as playing
music at your home," said Brajeshwar Singh, Director-General AIR.

Junge, Junge. "Better than FM-Radio". Respekt!

The digital service will be available through internet via webcasting
and as radio signal till a distance of 20,000 kilometres in a crystal
clear sound.

Ja, nee, iss klar.

Till, the technology becomes popular the AIR will provide the signal
in both analog and digital mode. This will mean that there will be a
signal for conventional radio sets along with one for digital radio
sets. Once the transition from analog to digital is complete, the
analog signal will not be available. "It will take seven to eight
years," Singh said.

Ja, nee, iss auch klar. Simultanbetrieb hat sich hier ja auch schon als Ultima Ratio erwiesen, um auch den letzten Hörer zu vergraulen; DRM geht praktisch nicht und AM-Empfang ist auch unter aller Sau. Glückwunsch zur weisen Entscheidung!

Ganz schön brain-washed, die Armen. Die haben sicher einer ganz tollen Powerpoint-Präsentation gelauscht. Oder verkauft Siemens dort Sender?

Martin     http://webadresse.geloescht/

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