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[A-DX] Re: [A-DX] AW: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] AirForceOne auf 5616KHz gehört

  • Subject: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] AW: [A-DX] Re: [A-DX] AirForceOne auf 5616KHz gehört
  • From: "Thomas M. Rösner" <dl8aam@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 16:29:12 +0200

> so sieht es aus, ist also nicht besonders interessant.

Aber es gibt zumindest QSLs von Fliegern, die in diesem
KW Netzen QRV sind. Hier die letzte Mail von letzter Woche
oder so (für UDXF, deshalb in Englisch) von kürzlich 
eingetrudelten Flieger QSLs:

--- Forwarded message:

QSL received the last days:

AIN 304:  "African International Airways" Flight
          5517 kHz (with Tripoli), DC8-62F from Shannon to Khartoum
          with cargo "Live Cattle", reg. ZS-OZV
          ADDR: 1 The Brunei Centre, Newton Road, Crawley, 
                Sussex RH10 9TU
          RR send to eMail in South Africa found on website
          www.aiaflycargo.com, while the first eQSL came from the UK
          (aia & intavia.co.uk)
          v/s Andrew Bpst, Operations Manager
          Full detailed paper QSL after eQSL, plus a nice mouse pad
          and a post card. BTW, the mouse pad and the card show a
          nice patchwork of pictures (including the ZS-OZV), including
          a foto of "inside the DC8" showing many many cattle boxes
          (insteed of seats). Thats the real "Cattle class";-)
          Seems this airline a specialized in carring animals, cattles
          and horses. A VERY VERY NICE QSL SURPRISE !!!
          See this great QSL on 

N527JG:   "US BIZ Jet" 
          Gibbs International, Inc. (a textile machinery Company) 

          5616 kHz - Gulfstream 400 used for company's VIP flight; 
          This time flight from Greenville, SC to Stuttgart, Germany

          Full detailed QSL-letter with many info about this flight
          and "mission" with a copy of this flight's navigation tracking
          protocoll chart (with position [of time of SWL-report] marked)

          V/S: Captain Nate Earles, Chief Pilot 

          ADR: Gibbs International, 2100 GSP Drive, Hangar One,
               Greer, SC 29651

          eSWL-RR send to xxxxxxxxx, found of Gibbs website

          Thats a kind of "rare" catch as N527JG is the only aircraft
          owned by Gibbs International. A really nice QSL ;-)
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