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[A-DX] Fw: 15505 nothing heard yet from Radio Bangladesh Betar Khabipur

  • Subject: [A-DX] Fw: 15505 nothing heard yet from Radio Bangladesh Betar Khabipur
  • From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <BueschelWW@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 15:07:51 +0200

die hüpfen weiterhin durchs 19 mb, heute mal auf 15105 kHz.

vy73 wb
so - jetzt bin ich aber mal weg, auf dem Kettler-rad.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 3:03 PM
Subject: [dxld] 15505 nothing heard yet from Radio Bangladesh Betar Khabipur

but I think the station is now on 15105 kHz at 1250-1300 UT,
heard some Holy Quran comment in English, and followed by popular western

And typical WHITE NOISE sound audio in the background too. Final annmt at
1259 UT Good Bye.

And since 1300 UT an 1119 Hertz measuring alignement procedure ?
73 wb

CHINA/TAJIKISTAN   15515  HEAVY FIREDRAKE music from mainland China at
1222 UT Aug 13. S=9+25dB powerhouse signal here in Germany. Read also a poor
string on SDR unit browser screen at 15517 kHz, so latter could be the Voice
of Tibet outlet from Dushanbe Yangi Yul, but couldn't trace any VoT program
content today.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13)

INDIA   15040  Close to the airwave control band AIR from Khampur site
scheduled, heard around opening interval signal at 1212 UT Aug 13, scheduled
from 1215-1315 UT in Burmese at 132degrees (which is backlobe of EUR azimuth
312deg). Heavy UNDERMODULATED reception, S=7 signal in Germany.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13)

PAKISTAN   15700  Heavily distorted HQ prayer, performed on Radio Pakistan's
Chinese service at 12-13 UT. Noted S=9+20dB signal here in Europe at 1230 UT
Aug 13. They use different - unsymmetric - sideband outlets: LSB like 15696
to 15700, but more broadband distorted on USB side 15700 to 15709 kHz.

\\ 17725 kHz with similar signal strength, but only tiny 10% modulation,
only parts of audio peaks heard "now and then".
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13)

UAE   15215.029  FEBA Radio in Tibetan from Al Dhabbaya,  n o t  CNR jammed,
Observed around tune-in 1217-1220 UT Aug 13. S=8 sidelobe strength here in
Germany. Chorus of young female singer, typical chimes, bells and cymbals
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 13)

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